Our very first TV ad is hitting screens now!

Discover the work of a worldwide team of enthusiasts who are committed to a common goal, with the same driving force: Nature. This ad will be the first in a long series. You will have the opportunity to see it on TV until December. It will be broadcast during the ad breaks of several France Télévision* programmes and will address topics that we hold dear: nature, travel, science, human encounters. It will also be screened alongside major films, such as the James Bond film “Quantum of Solace”, which will air on France 3 at 8.40 p.m. on Monday, 10 September.

* During which programmes will the PELLENC TV ad be broadcast?

  • France 2 - Grandeur Nature - every Sunday around 7.00 a.m.
  • France 3 Régions - Les Nouveaux Nomades - Saturdays and Sundays around 12.55 p.m.
  • France 3 - Prime Cinéma (Quantum of Solace, (Monday, 10 September), and La Grande Evasion, (Monday 17 September) - around 8.40 p.m.
  • France 5 - Echappées Belles - Saturdays at 8.45 p.m. & Sundays at 10.15 a.m.
  • France Ô - Passion Découverte - Monday to Friday at 7.55 p.m.